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How I'm inspired - blogmas 4

I think it's fair to say that sometimes we all lack a little inspiration, some days I feel like I need a dramatic change, that the only way this can be solved is to get in my car, turn on the radio and drive far far away.. For most of us this isn't something that we can actually do. So here are a few things that inspire me daily... 

My little girl 
Nobody in the entire world inspires me just as much as she does. She has changed me so much since coming into my life and completely in the right ways. I want to be strong, hard working, kind, passionate, caring.... I want her to be the best person she possibly can be and so I try lead by example. 

My boyfriend
He inspires me every day, he's so supportive of absolutely everything I do. I can tell him all of my crazy ideas and he genuinely listens instead of telling me how crazy I am and laughing in my face. (I have a 'brilliant' idea each week which I run on about for HOURS, get completely carried away with... to never actually ever act upon) haha! He is the gentleman all of us girls are forever searching for. I'm very lucky. 

A brand new day 
A fresh day means a fresh start, no matter what's happened the day before, no matter how much you messed up or dissapointed yourself by eating EVERYTHING in the house it doesn't matter. Today is different and you choose exactly how to shape it! 

I'm not just talking abroad, I'm talking anywhere. Plane, car, train, bus... The local supermarket or the infinity pool in Mexico. Different surroundings inspire me massively. They give me endless amounts of ideas. 

A picture speaks a thousand words. One of my favourite sayings for sure. Since starting my photography course I feel like I see things in a new light. I appreciate the more simple things... the lighting, the textures. Seeing the most simple every day items I use differently. I'm forever grabbing my camera now! 

Quotes always inspire me. I love a good powerful quote, they can easily change my whole attitude for that day. I spend a good part of my day looking through quotes. They set me up for a good day or I look for a positive one if I'm feeling upset/angry.

Lyrics. Lyrics inspire me ALOT. I love songs I can relate to or songs I can dance to when I'm feeling like certain days are a little too much for me. I spend many of mornings dancing and my little girl already loves to join in. I listen to music whilst showering, cleaning, getting ready. Everywhere and anywhere.

The gym
My escape, getting some time away from it all. Pushing your body to the limits, the gym keeps me focused and motivated. It lets me clear my head and think over ideas for my blog. I also feel proud of the hard work I've put into my session when I leave the gym and that's when I'm probably at my most creative! 

So guys what inspires you? These are just a handful of mine! 

Ashley xoxo  
2 comments on "How I'm inspired - blogmas 4"
  1. Aw your little girl is such a cutie!!

  2. Your daughter is absolutely stunning, the cutest little thing <3 I can relate on so, so many of these inspirations. My daughter, my partner, photography, quotes....especially quotes. all of them on some level really! Great post x
