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2016 body plans

I've fallen of the wagon... Actually fallen doesn't even cut it. I can't even blame the winter holidays. I've actually been on a seafood diet.... See food and eat it basically. No limits, everything and anything. Mainly it's consisted of at least one big box of Lindt balls a week. YES a week. Indian, Chinese, fried breakfasts, deserts galore and let's not even mention the alcohol. Those that know me will know I have a pretty quick metabolism it's fair to say I have never been overweight which is completely bizarre giving the amount of not just bad food I eat but also my actual meal sizes. I don't eat any salad because I can't stand it and minimum amounts of veg so I'm going to be trying to get my greens via smoothies! So you can be sure to see a few smoothies from me and I can ensure they won't taste like vegetables because I wouldn't drink them otherwise! 

Over the summer I was in pretty good shape and was fairly happy with how I was looking. I was at the gym 5 nights a week and eating fairly well (I always struggle with the healthy eating side) since I now live alone with my little girl work three evenings and spend one evening at a photography course it's going to be extremely hard to get back to where I was - I simply don't have that kind of time on my hands anymore. However I've decided to curb the bad eating habits, join back to the gym and share my progress, recipes and tips with you all! I had lots of friends asking me for tips and advice over the summer. May I add right now I am by NO means an expert. I'm simply sharing my progress and every body is different. 

This isn't about me losing weight. If anything I actually want to get bigger but in the right way. I need my muscle back!! I want to trim back done and then tone up again, it's not a diet. I will still eat my beloved Lindt chocolates but not in the excessive behaviour I have been. Healthy balanced lifestyle is my aim this year!

Products to help me along the way.
My beloved friend My fitness pal will be sure to help get me back on track it can be downloaded on the App Store and it's completely free. It tracks your food and exercise so you can see where you are going well/need improvement. 

My polar watch will also play a massive part. Tracking my fitness, steps, sleep! I can't go to the gym without it. Totally worth every penny, it even tells me when I've been sat still too long and to get up!! It comes with a free app so you can see your progress daily. I will do a blog post later explaining which one I have and my thoughts on it, but I can tell you now I love it! 

Current measurements: 
105.5 lbs 
Bust - 29
Waist - 25
Hips - 32
Left thigh - 18
Right thigh - 18
Left calf - 12 
Right calf - 12 
Left arm - 10 
Right arm - 10 

I will be posting tips, videos, recipes etc so watch this space. I won't go crazy as I'm still going to be posting about beauty and fashion and don't want to completely spam your feed! 

Ashley xoxo 
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